In Ethiopia’s highlands a kingdom is under threat. One male’s power is being challenged by a handsome young Turk. Braveheart’s coveted position at the head of his gelada family is under siege from the marauding bachelors and their leader, Tiko. He’s on the prowl for a family of his own, and he’s prepared to fight for it
But for Braveheart there’s more to defending his position than a show of strength and dominance. Behind every successful man is a powerful woman, and that woman is Flo. Braveheart protects the family, but Flo rules it from the sidelines. Flo will be the one to decide whether Braveheart stays on his throne, or if he falls from grace… and so far she’s not impressed. Over the months Flo’s watched Braveheart make mistakes and shirk his responsibilities… her case against him is stacking up, and she’s on the look out for a worthy king.
Everything is at stake for Braveheart… His authority, his mating rights, his legacy. He not only has to fight off Tiko and his gang of bachelors, he also has to win Flo’s favor back - if he doesn’t prove he’s a capable leader and protector he’ll lose his position of power, forever.
In this ancient family of girl power… May the best man win…